Webinar Series on In Vitro Phototoxicity Testing

September 20, 2023

Thank you for joining us for a two-part webinar series on in vitro phototoxicity testing co-organized by the Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) and PETA Science Consortium International. Part 1 included a methodological overview on phototoxicity assays, and Part 2 covered case studies from industry applying the methods. 

Webinar 1: In Vitro Phototoxicity Testing Part 1: Methodological Overview
Presenters: Allison Hilberer, MS, IIVS and Satomi Onoue, PhD, University of Shizuoka

Webinar 2: In Vitro Phototoxicity Testing Part 2: Application Case Studies
Presenters: Gretchen Ritacco, MS, Research Institute for Fragrance Materials and Edward Chikwana, PhD, Corteva

The recordings and other materials for both webinars can be found on the PETA Science Consortium website.