
The Importance of Supplier Qualification for Vendors of Materials Used in In Vitro Assays

November 7, 2023

Pre-clinical assays, including in vitro assays, rely heavily on suppliers who provide essential products or services. In the current regulatory environment, the burden is placed on the users of these products or services to ensure that the methods employed at the suppliers' facilities meet a sufficient level of quality. Variable results for the same assay controls over time could indicate high lot-to-lot variability of the test system or of critical assay components. (more…)

Cryopreserved human precision-cut lung slices provide an immune competent pulmonary test system for “on-demand” use and long-term cultures

October 20, 2023

Human precision-cut lung slices (hPCLS), considered a highly relevant ex vivo model of the lung, offer native architecture and cells of the lung tissue including respiratory parenchyma, small airways, and immune competent cells. However, the irregular availability of donor lungs has limited the accessibility of this system. As described here, thousands of hPCLS can be created from 1 lung, cryopreserved, and used “on demand” by applying slicing and cryopreservation methodology improvements. (more…)

Multiscale Stiffness of Human Emphysematous Precision-Cut Lung Slices

May 22, 2023

IIVS is excited to announce a new publication in Science with co-authors at Boston University and Mechanobiologix (Newton, MA, USA)! Abstract: Emphysema is a debilitating disease that remodels the lung leading to reduced tissue stiffness. Thus, understanding emphysema progression requires assessing lung stiffness at both the tissue and alveolar scales. (more…)

Key Challenges and Recommendations for In Vitro Testing of Tobacco Products for Regulatory Applications: Consideration of Test Materials and Exposure Parameters

February 23, 2023

The Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) is sponsoring a series of workshops to identify, discuss and develop recommendations for optimal scientific and technical approaches for conducting in vitro assays, to assess potential toxicity within and across tobacco and various next generation nicotine and tobacco products (NGPs), including heated tobacco products (HTPs) and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). (more…)

IIVS is Pleased to Announce the Co-Publication of Three Articles

August 25, 2022

IIVS is pleased to announce the co-publication of several respiratory-based articles highlighting: the characterization and recommendations for non-animal techniques used to model mucociliary clearance in human-derived test systems, the dosimetry of tobacco products for in vitro testing and a third article covering the use of New Approach Methodologies to nicotine containing products in a regulatory environment.

Key Challenges for In Vitro Testing of Tobacco Products for Regulatory applications: Recommendations for Dosimetry

Ciliary Beat Frequency: Proceedings and Recommendations from a Multi-laboratory Ring Trial Using 3-D Reconstituted Human Airway Epithelium to Model Mucociliary Clearance

Use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) to Meet Regulatory Requirements for the Assessment of Tobacco and Other Nicotine-Containing Products

IIVS Posters at SOT 2022

April 14, 2022

Thank you to all who visited our booth or poster sessions at the 2022 Society of Toxicology annual meeting. If you would like copies of any of the poster presented we now have them available to view online (more…)

Evaluating the Use of Predictive Models in Combination with In Vitro Assays

April 11, 2022

IIVS is excited to announce the publication of 2 papers evaluating the use of predictive models in combination with in vitro assays to provide a quantitative assessment of skin sensitization potential. This work is presented Drs. Frank Gerberick (GF3 Consultancy, Chief Scientific Advisor to IIVS) and Andreas Natsch (Senior Research Fellow at Givaudan ) (more…)

Use of alternative test methods in a tiered testing approach to address photoirritation potential of fragrance materials

January 3, 2022

Happy New Year! IIVS is pleased to greet 2022 with the announcement of a joint publication with the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) involving the evaluation of photoirritation potential of over 100 compounds. This effort, spanning the course of 7 years, involved a tiered testing approach with the application of 3 OECD test guidelines: TG 101, 432 and the recently accepted 498, which codifies the acceptance of Reconstructed human Epidermis as a model for assessing this endpoint. Read the full article here.

How a GIVIMP Certification Program Can Increase Confidence in In Vitro Methods

April 20, 2021

Regulatory bodies, validation authorities, method developers, and industry toxicologists realize the need to increase confidence in the scientific validity of novel in vitro methods – especially those being proposed for regulatory application .