Practical Methods for In Vitro Toxicology In-Person Workshops

Whether you are just beginning to use in vitro tests or you need to integrate non-animal methods within your testing programs, this intensive workshop provides the scientific information and expertise you need. Participants hear highly informative lectures given by experts in the field of in vitro toxicology and gain laboratory experience and instruction in the practical application of new and novel assay techniques. Hands-on and Observer spots are available for each training. In addition, participants will:

  • Explore test methods in-depth with a daily focus on a specific assay.
  • Participate in discussions and interactive sessions.
  • Gain a better understanding of assay data through case studies.

Workshops are held every few months throughout the year. The course agenda can be modified according to the participants’ needs, or a custom training can be designed. To indicate your interest in attending and give us some information about your needs, please complete this brief form.

Travel support to attend Practical Methods workshops is available through the PETA Science Consortium International. Visit their web site for more information and to apply.

ToxTracker Practical Workshop

August 15-16, 2024

Join IIVS, Toxys, and other special guest speakers for an interactive, 1.5-day practical training workshop focused on the ToxTracker Assay, which uses 6 engineered GFP-reporter cell lines to investigate genotoxic potential and toxicological mode of action. This combination of reporter genes helps identify direct DNA damaging agents from indirect mechanisms, such as aneugenicity, oxidative damage or cellular injury. The assay is currently offered by IIVS, and is on the workplan for the OECD Test Guidelines Programme.

Lectures will focus on the science behind the assay as well as how data can be applied in product testing programs and decision making. Participants will have the opportunity to view and participate in the conduct of the assay at the bench–from cell exposure to data analysis–in small groups. See agenda here.

Register for in-person attendance here. There are limited in-person spots. If full, contact us to add your name to a waitlist. Depending on interest, we may make a virtual participation option available.

Practical Methods In Vitro Workshops

September 23-26, 2024

  • Observer spots may be available for these dates. Contact us to be placed on a waiting list.

January 27-30, 2025

  • Observer and hands-on spots are available for these dates. Contact us for more information or to register.


Contact our VP for Education and Outreach, Kristie Sullivan, with any questions.