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Poster/Presentation: Building Confidence and Transparency Into a New Validation Paradigm
For the last two decades, validation management organizations have evaluated new test methods according to…

Publication: Human relevance of in vivo and in vitro skin irritation tests for hazard classification of pesticides
Test methods to inform hazard characterization and labeling of pesticides to protect human health are…

Publication: The Fibrotic Phenotype of Human Precision-Cut Lung Slices Is Maintained after Cryopreservation
Human precision-cut lung slices (hPCLS) prepared from fibrotic lungs recapitulate the pathophysiological hallmarks of fibrosis.…

Publication: Deriving a point of departure for assessing the skin sensitization risk of wearable device constituents with in vitro methods
Wearable devices are in contact with the skin for extended periods. As such, the device…

Poster/Presentation: Approaches to Evaluation of Solvents for use in Photosafety Testing
New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) are routinely used in photosafety testing to evaluate if a test…

Poster/Presentation: Refinement and Optimization of the Photo-KeratinoSens™ Assay to Evaluate Photoallergy Potential
Identification of test chemicals that have the potential to become more reactive, more toxic, or…

IIVS News: IIVS 2023 Impact Report
I am happy to present to you the Institute for In Vitro Sciences’ (IIVS) 2023…

Newsletter: SOT 2024 Newsletter
Please visit us at booth #1232 during ToxExpo. We have exciting information to share about…

Newsletter: January 2024 Newsletter
Coming soon to IIVS: The Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Assay for photoreactivity, a cost effective,…

Newsletter: October 2023 Newsletter
Recording of the two-part webinar series on in vitro phototoxicity, co-organized by IIVS and PETA…

Poster/Presentation: Toxicity and Inflammatory Response to Common Magic Mouthwashes in a 3D Oral Reconstructed Tissue Model
Magic Mouthwash is a general term describing oral rinses prescribed by a doctor for the…

Poster/Presentation: Safety Assessment of Monographed OTC Cold/Cough Medicine Using an In Vitro Testing Platform Based on Human Reconstructed Oral Tissues
Over-the-counter (OTC) products are available to alleviate concurrent symptoms of colds and flu. They are…

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