April 20, 2018The Humane Society of the United States thanks Governor Ralph Northam for signing a bill to reduce the use of animals in product testing. Virginia is only the fourth state in the country to pass such a law. Delegate Jennifer Boysko, D-86, was the lead patron of the bill, HB 1087. Read article....
April 12, 2018The EPA has released a new policy that will allow chemical and pesticide makers to provide the EPA with data from non-animal test methods when assessing for skin allergies. Congratulations to the EPA OPP team for working so hard to put in place this new policy. Read the article here....
Agro/Petrochemical | Specialty Chemical
April 12, 2018IIVS, in collaboration with Philip Morris International, recently presented data highlighting the predictive capability of in vitro assays in determining human response to non-burn tobacco products. Moreover, a ring trial of 6 independent laboratories has generated evidence that key events involved in human disease caused by nicotine-based products can be replicated using non-animal models. These results may increase interest in the use of alternative testing strategies for research and development and, eventually, regulatory acceptance. Read article.