July 16, 2019, Gaithersburg, MD – The Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) is pleased to announce it is part of a winning consortium, headed by SYRCLE (the Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory animal Experimentation), to develop interactive eLearning training modules. The application of the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal testing, commonly known as “The 3Rs,” is a requirement in the European Union Directive 2010/63/EU “on protection of animals used for scientific purposes.” Training is an essential component to advancing the animal welfare and scientific goals of the Directive. Concerning the area of Replacement, this contract supports the development of two dedicated e-learning training modules for persons interested in alternative (non-animal) approaches.
Module I, titled “Searching for, and identification of, existing alternative non-animal methods and approaches”, is being developed by SYRCLE with input from the Evidence-based Toxicology Collaboration (EBTC). IIVS and the newly formed Swiss 3R Competence Center (3RCC) are developing Module II “Developing reliable and relevant in vitro methods and approaches for scientific purposes and regulatory use.” Both Modules will be developed into interactive online content by Ecorys in the UK. “IIVS has been involved in developing standardized approaches to non-animal testing and has also trained scientists in these methods for more than 20 years” said Erin Hill, President of IIVS. “We are very excited to be teaming up with a great group of experts to bring training in this important subject to a much wider audience”.
The modules are intended to complement other trainings offered by various educational, government and research institutions or to be used as stand-alone components. Drafts will be reviewed by a committee of experts from industry, academia and government. Once finalized the modules will be available to professional course providers and will also be freely accessible on a dedicated platform to facilitate wide dissemination and harmonization of concepts.
About the Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS)
IIVS is a non-profit organization wholly dedicated to the promotion of non-animal test methods. Founded in 1997, IIVS is recognized as a leading provider of in vitro testing in support of toxicological safety evaluations. Rigorous scientific programs coupled with educational and outreach initiatives have established IIVS as a global leader in the advancement of alternatives to animal testing. For more information, visit us at www.iivs.org.
Media Contact:
Erin Hill
Phone: 301-947-1281
SYRCLE envisions a world in which any preclinical and toxicological study conducted is justified, rigorous and of high translational value. In order to increase value and reduce waste in research, our mission is to develop, apply and disseminate the methodology of systematic reviews of preclinical and toxicological studies. To that end, SYRCLE provides training, coaching and tools for the conduct of systematic reviews of animal and in vitro studies.
About Swiss 3R Competence Center (3RCC)
The Swiss 3R Competence Center is a non-profit association that promotes the replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experimentation (3Rs principle) and facilitates their implementation in life sciences. Its members include 11 universities and higher education institutions from Switzerland, the Swiss association of the pharmaceutical industry (Interpharma), the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) and the Swiss Animal Protection (SAP). Located in Bern, the 3RCC promotes the 3Rs principle by financing high-quality research projects, developing dedicated educational programmes and promoting communication and dissemination of the 3Rs principle.