Author: Mitchell Gaydash

Validation of the 3D RSMN Assay

February 10, 2021
IIVS is excited to have taken part in the validation of the Reconstructed Skin Micronucleus Assay as a big step towards the establishment of an OECD test guideline. Read the Full Article Here...

IIVS e-News – October 2020

September 28, 2020
IIVS is pleased to announce that Allison Hilberer will participate in the OECD Test Guidelines Programme Expert Groups (OECD TG EG) for eye and skin irritation, phototoxicity and skin sensitization. Allison is a Toxicologist II and Study Director at IIVS where she oversees the conduct of in vitrostudies in these areas. Allison has also been involved in many validation programs and participated in efforts to draft and revise OECD Test Guidelines. Read Post...

IIVS, RIFM and Shiseido Partner to Transfer Non-animal Photosafety Tests

July 14, 2020
The Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) has entered into an agreement with Shiseido and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) to support the technology transfer of non-animal tests for photosafety testing. The program aims to build upon IIVS’ current photosafety tiered testing program, which addresses photoirritation, through the development of additional testing strategies to identify photoallergens. Both photoirritation and photoallergenicity are important in the safety assessment of fragrances. RIFM, Shiseido, and IIVS share the common goal of promoting the...

Webinar : Use of Non-animal Skin Sensitization Methods

June 3, 2020
A recorded webinar on the "Use of Non-animal Skin Sensitization Methods" by IIVS’s Hans Raabe and US EPA's Gino Scarano and James Cox is now available for viewing at The webinar reviews the status of Non-Animal methods acceptance of skin sensitization testing within the EPA framework as well as an overview of several assays that can be used to evaluate this endpoint. Slides of the presentation are also available for download as well....

Services and Tools for COVID-19 Drug Development

May 21, 2020
IIVS provides robust test systems and assays to detect the adverse effects of diverse materials, including pharmaceuticals targeting COVID-19. The IIVS Respiratory Toxicology Program offers testing services using cutting edge 3D pulmonary models - in addition to human 2D primary cells and lines - such as reconstructed human airways and human precision-cut human lung slices (hPCLS) that contain multiple cell types including immune competent macrophages. These systems, combined with our advanced exposure techniques, allow the detection of acute toxic responses...

Respiratory Toxicology for Pharmaceutical Development

May 6, 2020
The Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) provides robust test systems and assays to detect the adverse effects of diverse materials, including pharmaceuticals targeting COVID-19. The IIVS Respiratory Toxicology Program offers testing services using cutting edge 3D pulmonary models - in addition to human 2D primary cells and lines - such as reconstructed human airways and precision-cut human lung slices that contain multiple cell types including immune competent macrophages. These systems allow the detection of acute toxic responses such as...

FDA Releases New Guidance Recommending Alternatives to LLNA

April 22, 2020
FDA releases new guidance recommending the performance of alternative test methodologies in lieu of the murine-based Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) to assess skin sensitization potential for topically-applied drug products. This information can be found at, pages 7-8. IIVS offers multiple assays and provides guidance to companies and organizations interested in using non-animal approaches to evaluate this endpoint. Learn more about our skin sensitization testing capabilities at or contact us at

Phototox and BCOP Russian Translations

February 25, 2020
IIVS, in collaboration with EPAA, is pleased to announce that our training videos for eye irritation and phototoxicity are now available with Russian subtitles. To view subtitled versions in different languages including Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish, please visit our YouTube channel. ...