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Poster/Presentation: Approaches to Evaluation of Solvents for use in Photosafety Testing
New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) are routinely used in photosafety testing to evaluate if a test…

Poster/Presentation: Refinement and Optimization of the Photo-KeratinoSens™ Assay to Evaluate Photoallergy Potential
Identification of test chemicals that have the potential to become more reactive, more toxic, or…

IIVS News: IIVS 2023 Impact Report
I am happy to present to you the Institute for In Vitro Sciences’ (IIVS) 2023…

Newsletter: SOT 2024 Newsletter
Please visit us at booth #1232 during ToxExpo. We have exciting information to share about…

Newsletter: January 2024 Newsletter
Coming soon to IIVS: The Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Assay for photoreactivity, a cost effective,…

Newsletter: October 2023 Newsletter
Recording of the two-part webinar series on in vitro phototoxicity, co-organized by IIVS and PETA…

Poster/Presentation: Toxicity and Inflammatory Response to Common Magic Mouthwashes in a 3D Oral Reconstructed Tissue Model
Magic Mouthwash is a general term describing oral rinses prescribed by a doctor for the…

Poster/Presentation: Safety Assessment of Monographed OTC Cold/Cough Medicine Using an In Vitro Testing Platform Based on Human Reconstructed Oral Tissues
Over-the-counter (OTC) products are available to alleviate concurrent symptoms of colds and flu. They are…

Publication: The Importance of Supplier Qualification for Vendors of Materials Used in In Vitro Assays
Pre-clinical assays, including in vitro assays, rely heavily on suppliers who provide essential products or…

Publication: Cryopreserved human precision-cut lung slices provide an immune competent pulmonary test system for “on-demand” use and long-term cultures
Human precision-cut lung slices (hPCLS), considered a highly relevant ex vivo model of the lung,…

Poster/Presentation: A Laboratory Method to Measure Skin Surface Staining by Cigarette Smoke
Exhaled or side-stream cigarette smoke (CS) may visually stain a consumer’s skin over time. Tobacco…

Poster/Presentation: Ensuring the quality of a test system using the principles of Good In Vitro Method Practices (GIVIMP): A case study of cryopreserved human precision-cut lung slices
Human precision-cut lung slices (hPCLS) are a highly relevant 3-dimensional model of the lung. They…

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