Next Generation Tobacco Products

August 24, 2016
IIVS has a long-standing history of working with various industries to help establish or utilize in vitro models for the prediction of risk and the assessment of products under development. With the Food and Drug Administration extending its authority to all tobacco products (including e-cigarettes, cigars, and hookah) the tobacco industry is faced with the task of assessing product safety for product development and regulatory submission. Further, the manufacture of tobacco products may entail risk to workers that come in...

In Vitro Exposure Systems and Dosimetry Assessment Tools for Inhaled Tobacco Products

June 10, 2016
Source: IIVS Workshop, April 4-6, 2016 See also Assessment of In Vitro COPD Models for Tobacco Regulatory Science: Workshop Proceedings, Conclusions and Paths Forward for In Vitro Model Use from our Dec. 2014 workshop. ...

Workshop Report: Assessment of In Vitro COPD Models for Tobacco Regulatory Science

July 10, 2015
Source: IIVS December 2014 Workshop See also In Vitro Exposure Systems and Dosimetry Assessment Tools for Inhaled Tobacco Products from our April 2016 workshop....