
IIVS e-News – June 2018

June 26, 2018

In this issue, find out the dates for the 2019 Practical Methods Workshop and the PISC award for young scientists, learn about upcoming In Vitro-related meetings and extended deadlines for abstract submission, read recent IIVS publications, and more.  Read issue.

IIVS eNews – March 2018

March 11, 2018

Read the latest issue of our e-newsletter for information about our events and posters at the 2018 Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting, presentations at upcoming meetings and more.  View issue.

IIVS e-News – January 2018

February 1, 2018

Featured in this issue is an article on how an integrated approach to skin sensitization testing can work for your testing program. a preview of IIVS events and posters at SOT, our recent collaboration with BASF to distribute the LuSens test in China, and more.  Read issue.

IIVS eNews – October 2017

October 25, 2017

Read the latest issue of our e-newsletter for an update on our work in China and Brazil, our Practical Methods Workshop, and more.  View issue.

IIVS e-News, September 2016

September 1, 2016