In this issue, find out the dates for the 2019 Practical Methods Workshop and the PISC award for young scientists, learn about upcoming In Vitro-related meetings and extended deadlines for abstract submission, read recent IIVS publications, and more. Read issue.
Read the latest issue of our e-newsletter for information about our events and posters at the 2018 Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting, presentations at upcoming meetings and more. View issue.
Featured in this issue is an article on how an integrated approach to skin sensitization testing can work for your testing program. a preview of IIVS events and posters at SOT, our recent collaboration with BASF to distribute the LuSens test in China, and more. Read issue.
ARE-Nrf2 Luciferase Keratinocyte Activation Test Method | DPRA | h-CLAT | SensitizationRead the latest issue of our e-newsletter for an update on our work in China and Brazil, our Practical Methods Workshop, and more. View issue.