
New Advice on Using Non-Animal Test Methods

February 10, 2017
ECHA’s updated guidance gives advice on how to use non-animal test methods, which are now the default for many endpoints. Registrants are encouraged to take the changes into account when deciding their testing strategies.  Read more....

Case Study: Applying GLPs to New, Non-Animal Methodologies

January 26, 2017
Presented at the 2nd Good Laboratory Practice Compliance Summit, January 26-27, 2017, Arlington, VA...

IIVS Director of Quality & Compliance to Present on GLPs

January 26, 2017
Amanda Ulrey, RQAP-GLP, IIVS Director of Quality & Compliance, will be presenting at the 2nd Good Laboratory Practice Compliance Summit and the SQA Annual Meeting & Quality College. Jan. 26-27, 2018: 2nd Good Laboratory Practice Compliance Summit “Case Study: Applying GLPs to New, Non-Animal Assays” Mar. 26-31:  SQA Annual Meeting & Quality College “Next Generation Test Systems” (slides to come)  ...

In Vitro Assessment of Skin Irritation Potential of Surfactant-based Formulations by Using a 3-D Skin Reconstructed Tissue Model and Cytokine Response

January 24, 2017
The personal care industry is focused on developing safe, more efficacious, and increasingly milder products, that are routinely undergoing preclinical and clinical testing before becoming available for consumer use on skin. In vitro systems based on skin reconstructed equivalents are now established for the preclinical assessment of product irritation potential and as alternative testing methods to the classic Draize rabbit skin irritation test. We have used the 3-D EpiDerm™ model system to evaluate tissue viability and primary cytokine interleukin-1α release...

PETA: New Chinese Regulations Will Effectively End Animal Testing Requirement for Non-Special Use Cosmetics

January 23, 2017
PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo has issued a statement in response to a new regulation issued by China's Food and Drug Administration's (CFDA), which allows certain new cosmetics to undergo a simplified registration process with the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration, potentially allowing them to bypass the CFDA's requirements for tests on animals. Read more....

Switzerland Joins Fight on Animal Cruelty with Ban on Animal-Tested Cosmetics

January 18, 2017
Switzerland has announced a complete ban on sales of cosmetics that are tested on animals. The decision follows the announcement in March last year by the Swiss Federal Council that saw it ban the marketing of cosmetics that have been tested on animals abroad, with the outright ban coming into effect at the end of 2016. Read more....

2017 Practical Methods for In Vitro Toxicology Workshop Wraps Up

January 12, 2017
IIVS welcomed twelve individuals from industry and academia for its 2017 Practical Methods in In Vitro Toxicology Workshop. The intensive four-day workshop included a combination of lectures and hands-on laboratory activities on the latest in vitro test methods. The next workshop will be held in January 2018. ...

The Use of Human 3D Reconstructed Airway Cultures for Tobacco Product Evaluation: Precision Low-Volume Exposures at the Apical Site

January 10, 2017
With a mandate to evaluate the dynamics of pulmonary exposure to inhaled materials such as tobacco-based products, researchers are employing complex, human, three-dimensional pulmonary models. Human reconstructed airway (RHuA) tissues present a platform that more closely resembles airways in vivo. Grown at the air–liquid interface (ALI), RHuA tissues offer apical and basal compartments that allow flexibility in modeling physiologically relevant exposures and provide sampling location-specific results. Read the full article....

Trends in Regenerative Medicine: Repigmentation in Vitiligo Through Melanocyte Stem Cell Mobilization

December 28, 2016
Vitiligo is the most frequent human pigmentary disorder, characterized by progressive autoimmune destruction of mature epidermal melanocytes. Of the current treatments offering partial and temporary relief, ultraviolet (UV) light is the most effective, coordinating an intricate network of keratinocyte and melanocyte factors that control numerous cellular and molecular signaling pathways. Read the full article....

EPA Announces Start of Voluntary Pilot Program to Reduce Animal Testing

December 22, 2016
On December 20, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)announced the start of a pilot program to evaluate the usefulness and acceptability of a mathematical tool (the GHS Mixtures Equation), which is used in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).  EPA states that the goal of the pilot program is to “evaluate the utility and acceptability of the GHS Mixtures Equation as an alternative to animal oral and inhalation toxicity studies for pesticide formulations.”...