
Dutch Government Announces Plan to Phase Out Animal Safety Testing by 2025

December 22, 2016
PETA UK and PETA Netherlands staff attended a meeting in Hague last week at which Dutch Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Martijn van Dam announced his intention for the Netherlands to end the use of animals in safety tests for chemicals, food ingredients, pesticides, veterinary medicines, and vaccines by 2025. This means that mice, rats, rabbits, and other animals will no longer have these substances forced down their throats or injected into their bodies, causing sickness, convulsions, diarrhoea, haemorrhaging,...

Director of CFDA, National Institute for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) Visits IIVS

December 15, 2016
Composed of 11 technical institutes, the NIFDC is responsible for the registration and post market surveillance of drugs, traditional Chinese medicines, medical devices, food and cosmetics. In addition to inspecting and testing these products for safety, the NIFDC publishes National Reference Standards for testing methods (such as the newly published standard for the In Vitro 3T3 NRU Phototoxicity test) and provides technical assistance and guidance for provincial control institutes. Dr. Li Bo, Director of the NIFDC, visited IIVS to gain a...

IIVS e-News – December 2016

December 2, 2016

First Non-Animal Test Method Accepted by China FDA

December 1, 2016
IIVS and stakeholders around the world welcomed the announcement last month by the CFDA that data from a non-animal test method can now be used to substantiate the safety of cosmetics made in China. The test, known as the In Vitro 3T3 NRU Phototoxicity Test (OECD Test Guideline 432), measures a chemical's potential to cause harm after exposure to light. The announcement came shortly after the 4th annual training of CFDA provincial regulators by IIVS scientists in Hangzhou, China. These annual...

PETA Int’l Science Consortium Announces Chance to Win a $100,000 Award

November 29, 2016
PETA is accepting proposals to award a VITROCELL® exposure system—valued at up to $100,000—to researchers who will use it to avoid testing on animals. The VITROCELL exposure system can be used to deliver aerosolized test substances to human lung cells to predict human health effects more accurately than tests on animals. DEADLINE: March 30, 2017.  The PETA International Science Consortium is also purchasing similar equipment for IIVS in support of our efforts to replace animals in inhalation testing.  Read more....

What Does China’s Approval of the First Contemporary Non-Animal Testing Method Mean for Cruelty Free Cosmetics?

November 22, 2016
IIVS' work with the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) and its subsidiary body, the National Institute for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) has paid off with the recent approval of the T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test, the first  non-animal test method that can be used for safety tests in cosmetics sold in China. This article references IIVS's work with the CFDA and NIFDC over the last several years to provide training and education around non-animal methods for safety...

Decoding and Modulating the Color of Human Skin

November 22, 2016
The constitutive color of human skin varies widely across the globe, from the very pale as in Celtic skin to the very dark present in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. There is a biologic player “hard at work” producing the pigments that generate great variations in human skin color and is the protagonist of this article. It is the melanocyte. Read the full article.  ...

IIVS Holds Workshop for University of Maryland Students

November 21, 2016
IIVS hosted its fourth annual toxicology workshop for students from the University of Maryland College Park chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES UMD).  The workshop, held on Nov. 19 at IIVS in Gaithersburg, MD, featured a combination of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on laboratory sessions introducing the students to the concepts of adverse outcome pathways and approaches to predict skin sensitization, in vitro test methods using tissue engineered models, and assays addressing ocular irritation. The workshop concluded with a career...

Video: The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test — Chinese

November 21, 2016
This training video with Chinese subtitles explores a cell-based method for assessing Phototoxicity — or the potential for chemicals to cause damage after being exposed to light. The method is used widely around the world by many industries, including the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. Disclaimer: Please note that the procedures shown in this video were for demonstration purposes only and that all assay procedures, except the UVA/dark exposure, should be performed in a biological safety cabinet using aseptic techniques. Due to...

Video: The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test — Portuguese

November 21, 2016
This new training video with Portuguese subtitles explores a cell-based method for assessing Phototoxicity — or the potential for chemicals to cause damage after being exposed to light. The method is used widely around the world by many industries, including the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. Disclaimer: Please note that the procedures shown in this video were for demonstration purposes only and that all assay procedures, except the UV A/dark exposure, should be performed in a biological safety cabinet using aseptic techniques....