May 6, 2019We are seeking a full time Post-doctoral Scientist (who may serve in a Study Director role, as applicable) to assist in the Respiratory Toxicology Program in our Gaithersburg office. Experience/education in in vitro and/or ex vivo toxicology is required, with experience in respiratory sensitization, or immunological processes germane to the science, necessary. A background and/or familiarity with long term pulmonary disease processes (e.g. chronic inflammation, fibrosis, COPD) is highly desired.
This is an exciting opportunity to join and grow with our...
Post-doctoral Scientist | Respiratory Toxicology
March 28, 2018Robust non-animal models and assays for pulmonary toxicology are required to make competent product development and risk assessments for new materials requiring toxicity testing. Three in vitro assays (goblet cell hyperplasia [GCH], ciliary beat frequency [CBF], and MUC5AC quantitation) were evaluated for performance and reproducibility. To assess these assays, 6 laboratories contributed data using a common protocol utilizing IL-13 as an inducer of adverse mucociliary-relevant tissue changes. MatTek EpiAirway™ and Epithelix MucilAir™ 3D tissue models were used to evaluate endpoints...
Bronchial/Tracheal | Ciliary Beat Frequency | Goblet Cell Hyperplasia | Mucin Production | Tobacco | A. Maione | B. Keyser | D. Azzopardi | e-cigarette | H. Behrsing