Documents & Resources

Decoding and Modulating the Color of Human Skin

November 22, 2016

The constitutive color of human skin varies widely across the globe, from the very pale as in Celtic skin to the very dark present in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. There is a biologic player “hard at work” producing the pigments that generate great variations in human skin color and is the protagonist of this article. It is the melanocyte. Read the full article.  

Video: The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test — Chinese

November 21, 2016

This training video with Chinese subtitles explores a cell-based method for assessing Phototoxicity — or the potential for chemicals to cause damage after being exposed to light. The method is used widely around the world by many industries, including the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. Disclaimer: Please note that the procedures shown in this video were ...

Video: The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test — Portuguese

November 21, 2016

This new training video with Portuguese subtitles explores a cell-based method for assessing Phototoxicity — or the potential for chemicals to cause damage after being exposed to light. The method is used widely around the world by many industries, including the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. Disclaimer: Please note that the procedures shown in this video were for ...

Webinar: How GLPs Enhance the Quality of Regulated and Non-Regulated Toxicology

October 18, 2016

This one-hour webinar, led by IIVS Director of Quality and Compliance, introduces some of the concepts of Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) designed to promote study and data integrity within an in vitro toxicology framework. Applying these concepts within your own laboratory should aid in production of robust, repeatable studies. 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake | Acute Respiratory Toxicity | Assessing Corneal Recovery | BCOP | Bronchial/Tracheal | CAMVA | Chronic Respiratory Toxicity | Ciliary Beat Frequency | Corneal Recovery Modeling | Corrositex

International Harmonization and Cooperation in the Validation of Alternative Methods

September 27, 2016

The development and validation of scientific alternatives to animal testing is important not only from an ethical perspective (implementation of 3Rs), but also to improve safety assessment decision making with the use of mechanistic information of higher relevance to humans. To be effective in these efforts, it is however imperative that validation centres, industry, regulatory bodies, academia and other interested parties ensure a strong international cooperation, cross-sector collaboration and intense communication in the design, execution, and peer review of validation studies. Read chapter.

Implementation of New Test Methods into Practical Testing

September 27, 2016

New toxicology test methods, especially those using in vitro methods, are continually being developed. Some are used by industry for screening purposes; others are eventually validated for regulatory use. However, for a new test method to be firmly adopted by industry it must be readily available, generally through an in-house industry laboratory, an academic laboratory, or a contract research organization. Read chapter.  

Webinar: Regulatory Initiatives for New Approaches to Traditional Toxicity Testing

July 1, 2016

This one-hour webinar features presentations by Dr. Jennifer McLain, Deputy Director, Office of Pesticide Programs, Antimicrobial Division and IIVS CEO Dr. Rodger Curren. Dr. McLain discusses the EPA OPP's plans to reduce the use of animal testing in acute toxicity testing and provides suggestions on how stakeholders and EPA can cooperate to advance animal reduction goals. Dr. Curren then talks ...

Bridging the Gap Between Regulatory Acceptance and Industry Use of Non-animal Methods

June 2, 2016

Clippinger, AJ, Hill, E, Curren, R, Bishop, P. Alternatives to Animal Experimentation (ALTEX)

Read article.