Presented at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's (NAS) workshop on electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), e-cigarettes.
Acute Respiratory Toxicity | Chronic Respiratory Toxicity | Goblet Cell Hyperplasia | Pulmonary Models | Respiratory Toxicology | TobaccoPresented at the 2nd Good Laboratory Practice Compliance Summit, January 26-27, 2017, Arlington, VA
Amanda. K. Ulrey | GLPs | QualityThe personal care industry is focused on developing safe, more efficacious, and increasingly milder products, that are routinely undergoing preclinical and clinical testing before becoming available for consumer use on skin. In vitro systems based on skin reconstructed equivalents are now established for the preclinical assessment of product irritation potential and as alternative testing methods to the classic Draize rabbit skin irritation test. We have used the 3-D EpiDerm™ model system to evaluate tissue viability and primary cytokine interleukin-1α release as a way to evaluate the potential dermal irritation of 224 non-ionic, amphoteric and/or anionic surfactant-containing formulations, or individual raw materials. Full article available to full and paid subscribers of ATLA.
Corrositex | Dermal | Inflammatory Cytokine Expression | Irritation Screening | Pigmentation & Melanogenesis | Skin Corrosion Test | Skin Irritation Corrosion Screening | Skin Irritation Test | Skin Sensitization | UV Induced ToxicityWith a mandate to evaluate the dynamics of pulmonary exposure to inhaled materials such as tobacco-based products, researchers are employing complex, human, three-dimensional pulmonary models. Human reconstructed airway (RHuA) tissues present a platform that more closely resembles airways in vivo. Grown at the air–liquid interface (ALI), RHuA tissues offer apical and basal compartments that allow flexibility in modeling physiologically relevant exposures and provide sampling location-specific results. Read the full article.
Acute Respiratory Toxicity | Chronic Respiratory Toxicity | Ciliary Beat Frequency | Goblet Cell Hyperplasia | Inflammatory Biomarker Profiling | Respiratory Toxicology | TobaccoVitiligo is the most frequent human pigmentary disorder, characterized by progressive autoimmune destruction of mature epidermal melanocytes. Of the current treatments offering partial and temporary relief, ultraviolet (UV) light is the most effective, coordinating an intricate network of keratinocyte and melanocyte factors that control numerous cellular and molecular signaling pathways. Read the full article.
The constitutive color of human skin varies widely across the globe, from the very pale as in Celtic skin to the very dark present in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. There is a biologic player “hard at work” producing the pigments that generate great variations in human skin color and is the protagonist of this article. It is the melanocyte. Read the full article.
This training video with Chinese subtitles explores a cell-based method for assessing Phototoxicity — or the potential for chemicals to cause damage after being exposed to light. The method is used widely around the world by many industries, including the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. Disclaimer: Please note that the procedures shown in this video were ...
3T3 Neutral Red Uptake | Cosmetic & Personal Care | Fragrance & Flavors | Occupational Safety & Industrial Hygiene | Pharmaceutical | Specialty Chemical | alternative methods | Alternative Testing Methods | animal alternatives | NRUThis new training video with Portuguese subtitles explores a cell-based method for assessing Phototoxicity — or the potential for chemicals to cause damage after being exposed to light. The method is used widely around the world by many industries, including the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. Disclaimer: Please note that the procedures shown in this video were for ...
3T3 Neutral Red Uptake | Cosmetic & Personal Care | Fragrance & Flavors | Pharmaceutical | alternative methods | Alternative Testing Methods | animal alternatives | NRU | phototoxicity | training video in PortugueseThis one-hour webinar, led by IIVS Director of Quality and Compliance, introduces some of the concepts of Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) designed to promote study and data integrity within an in vitro toxicology framework. Applying these concepts within your own laboratory should aid in production of robust, repeatable studies. 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake | Acute Respiratory Toxicity | Assessing Corneal Recovery | BCOP | Bronchial/Tracheal | CAMVA | Chronic Respiratory Toxicity | Ciliary Beat Frequency | Corneal Recovery Modeling | Corrositex
The development and validation of scientific alternatives to animal testing is important not only from an ethical perspective (implementation of 3Rs), but also to improve safety assessment decision making with the use of mechanistic information of higher relevance to humans. To be effective in these efforts, it is however imperative that validation centres, industry, regulatory bodies, academia and other interested parties ensure a strong international cooperation, cross-sector collaboration and intense communication in the design, execution, and peer review of validation studies. Read chapter.