August 24, 2016Many manufacturers of personal care and cosmetic products expect (along with their customers) that their products will not irritate the skin. Unfortunately, many ingredients (e.g. surfactants, preservatives, emulsifiers and many other organic substances) have an inherent irritating property. Although other in vitro assays can predict irritancy vs. non-irritancy for purposes of regulatory compliance, many of these manufacturers need to differentiate between moderately irritating substances and those which are much milder. Some examples are: baby products, moisturizers or other products used...
Inflammatory Cytokine Expression | Cosmetic & Personal Care | interleukin IL-1α | mild-irritant | Mildness Assay | minimal-irritant | non-irritant | Predicting Irritancy
August 24, 2016Specialty chemicals are chemical products identified on the basis of their performance or function, rather than their composition. They can be single-chemical entities or formulations and cover a wide range of product categories such as consumer products, cosmetics, food additives, manufacturing, etc.
As a result, testing for these chemicals can include a wide range in the irritation spectrum, from materials that are classified as mild irritants to those that are designated as corrosive. The testing needs also cover a wide range...
Reconstructed Skin Micronucleus (RSMN) | Skin Irritation Test | Cleaning Products
August 23, 2016The efficacy of ingredients or final formulations in modulating human skin pigmentation can be assessed in vitro by analysis of melanin production in reconstructed tissue models of various phototypes. In addition, this testing platform is suitable for investigation of the dermal irritation potential of test materials after repeated exposures using a tissue viability endpoint.
The evaluation of the potential impact on melanin production of raw ingredients or finished products intended for the modulation of skin pigmentation can be assessed using pigmented...
Pigmentation & Melanogenesis | Cosmetic & Personal Care