August 24, 2016The Ocular Irritection Assay is an in chemico eye irritation assay that detects, ranks, and predicts the corneal irritation potential of a test material. The assay assesses changes to the reagent solution (containing proteins, glycoproteins, lipids), which mimics the denaturation and disruption that occurs in corneal proteins in vivo.The test article is applied to a membrane disc that controls the delivery to the reagent solution. The changes in the protein structure are measured by optical density readings in the reagent...
Assessing Corneal Recovery | BCOP | CAMVA | Corneal Recovery Modeling | Eye Irritation Test | NociOcular Eye Sting | Ocular Screening | Short Time Exposure
January 1, 2005Source: Presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 21-26, 2005...
Corneal Recovery Modeling