Household & Cleaning Products

August 24, 2016
The majority of the products manufactured or sold by the Household and Cleaning Products industry are subject to the requirements of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) which mandates that the product have appropriate safety labeling. The FHSA does not specifically require animal testing be conducted to determine if a hazard is present, but historically many companies have used animal testing for this purpose – and have continued to do so because of lack of familiarity with newer, non-animal  methods. IIVS...

Corrositex (OECD 435)

August 23, 2016
The Corrositex® assay is a standardized and quantitative in vitro test developed as a replacement for the dermal corrosivity rabbit test. The Corrositex kit, manufactured by In Vitro International (IVI), uses a proprietary biobarrier membrane to model the skin for evaluating the potential dermal corrosivity of a test material. A test material is evaluated based on its penetration through the biobarrier membrane into a Chemical Detection System (CDS). The time required for the test material to break through the biobarrier and into the CDS is...

Webinar: Regulatory Initiatives for New Approaches to Traditional Toxicity Testing

July 1, 2016
This one-hour webinar features presentations by Dr. Jennifer McLain, Deputy Director, Office of Pesticide Programs, Antimicrobial Division and IIVS CEO Dr. Rodger Curren. Dr. McLain discusses the EPA OPP's plans to reduce the use of animal testing in acute toxicity testing and provides suggestions on how stakeholders and EPA can cooperate to advance animal reduction goals. Dr. Curren then talks about IIVS' activities in developing the current non-animal strategy for eye irritation, and recent investigations into in vitro methods to...