
IIVS Makes Shortlist for Prestigious LUSH Prize for its Work to Reduce Animal Testing

August 18, 2016
GAITHERSBURG, MD – August 18, 2016 - The Institute for In Vitro Sciences, Inc. (IIVS) is pleased to be among the projects and scientists that have made the shortlist for the 2016 LUSH Prize. Awarded by LUSH, the maker of fresh handmade cosmetics, the annual £250,000 prize recognizes achievements in the non-animal testing sector in five main categories: Lobbying, Public Awareness, Science, Training, and Young Researcher. IIVS was shortlisted for the Training category while IIVS scientists, Dr. Kim Norman and...

Webinar: Regulatory Initiatives for New Approaches to Traditional Toxicity Testing

July 1, 2016
This one-hour webinar features presentations by Dr. Jennifer McLain, Deputy Director, Office of Pesticide Programs, Antimicrobial Division and IIVS CEO Dr. Rodger Curren. Dr. McLain discusses the EPA OPP's plans to reduce the use of animal testing in acute toxicity testing and provides suggestions on how stakeholders and EPA can cooperate to advance animal reduction goals. Dr. Curren then talks about IIVS' activities in developing the current non-animal strategy for eye irritation, and recent investigations into in vitro methods to...

In Vitro Exposure Systems and Dosimetry Assessment Tools for Inhaled Tobacco Products

June 10, 2016
Source: IIVS Workshop, April 4-6, 2016 See also Assessment of In Vitro COPD Models for Tobacco Regulatory Science: Workshop Proceedings, Conclusions and Paths Forward for In Vitro Model Use from our Dec. 2014 workshop. ...

Bridging the Gap Between Regulatory Acceptance and Industry Use of Non-animal Methods

June 2, 2016
Clippinger, AJ, Hill, E, Curren, R, Bishop, P. Alternatives to Animal Experimentation (ALTEX) Read article....

IIVS e-News, May 2016

May 1, 2016

IIVS Workshop Explores Exposure and Dosimetry Considerations for Non-animal Testing

April 12, 2016
GAITHERSBURG, MD – April 12, 2016 – The Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) brought together stakeholders from industry, government and academia to discuss considerations for exposure and dosimetry for non-animal testing during its 2.5-day workshop, “In Vitro Exposure Systems and Dosimetry Assessment Tools for Inhaled Tobacco Products”, held April 4-6, 2016 in Bethesda, MD. Uniquely focused on in vitro testing, the workshop is the only known event of its kind. Attendees, including toxicologists from industry, the FDA Center for Tobacco...

Evaluation of the Validated In Vitro Skin Irritation Test (OECD TG 439) for the Assignment of EPA Hazard Categories

April 1, 2016
Progress within the in vitro toxicology field has made available testing platforms based on reconstructed tissue models that are validated to address the skin corrosion and irritation endpoints. While the validated in vitro assays can be used for the hazard identification of chemicals irritant to skin in accordance with the United Nations (UN) Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, they were not calibrated to address the classification system used by the United States Environmental Protection Agency...